Composition of Bottom Gillnet Catches Based on Different Fishing Grounds in Kuala Tungkal Waters, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province

Harry Decosta Simbolon, Arthur Brown, Bustari Bustari


This research was conducted from 4 March to 18 March 2021 in Kuala Tungkal
Waters, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province. The purpose of the
study was to determine the composition of the catch types of bottom gill nets
with different fishing areas, by looking at the number of catches using bottom
gill nets. The composition of the catches in the fishing area at Boyar Beach on
the bottom gill nets for 8 days of catching is Happyin (Leutheronema
Tetradactylum), Gerut (Pomadasys Maculatus), Malung (Muraenesox Cinereus)
(Muraenesox Bagiu), Otek
(Pomadasys Hasta), Parang
(Netumathalassima) , and Talang (Chrisonemus Tolooparah), with a total weight
of 108.8 kg as many as 152 tails. While the catches of the Alang Tiga Catchment
Area are Tenggiri (Scomberomorus Commersonip), Parang (Netumathalassima),
Bagok (Netumathalassima), Alu-Alu (Sphyraena), Baji-Baji (Platycephalus
Indicus Linnaeus), Malung (Muraenesox Bagio) and Otek (Pomadasys cubits),
with a total weight of 240.2 kg as many as 314 tails. The results of the study
concluded that the composition of the catch was more on 11 GT vessels
compared to 6 GT vessels, because 11 GT vessels had a longer fishing area than
6 GT vessels and the length of operation.


Bottom gillnet, Catch composition , Fishing gear, PPP Kuala Tungkal

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Copyright (c) 2022 Harry Decosta Simbolon, Arthur Brown, Bustari Bustari

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