Muhamad Latiful Khobir, Syafriadiman Syafriadiman, Henni Syawal


This research was conducted from 15 March to 15 April 2021
Brackishwater Fish Seed center (BBIAP) Kab. Meranti Islands, Riau Province.
The stocking density and diameter of the PVC hole had a significant effect on
the growth of the Star Pomfret Fish (Tracinotus blochii). The small diameter of
the PVC hole will produce air bubbles that burst faster than the diameter of the
medium and large PVC hole. In this study, the highest number of bubbles was
produced in treatment D1 (Ø 2 mm), and the best treatment and the effect on
absolute weight growth of this star pomfret fish was treatment D2 (Ø 3 mm),
which was 2,3200 grams. This treatment has an impact on the agile movement
and response of the fish to get the food given is very good, as well as the effect
of low and high levels of dissolved oxygen resulting from differences in the
diameter of the PVC holes.
Star Pomfret Fish maintenance can be carried out with a high stocking
density of up to 500 fish/m3. Where with a diameter of 3 mm PVC hole is able
to provide an absolute weight growth rate of 2,3200 grams, feed efficiency of
64.4400%, specific growth rate of 6.0617% and survival rate of 97.51%.


Star Pomfret Fish, diameter PVC, dissolved oxygen , PPP survival rate.

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