Swimming Speed of Kepar fish (Belontia hasselti) in Flume Tank and Free Swimming

Zainul Amri Siregar, Romie Jhonnerie, Riska Fatmawati, Nofrizal Nofrizal


This study, conducted from February 7 to 25, 2023, at the Fishing Gear Materials laboratory within the Department of Fisheries Resource Utilisation, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Riau University, employed an experimental methodology conducted in a controlled laboratory setting. A total of 40 fish samples, specifically Kepar fish (Belontia hasselti) samples, with an average size of 11 cm and a standard deviation of ± 0,80768, were utilized. The B. hasselti, recognized for its substantial economic value as a freshwater species. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate swimming speed and endurance. The study revealed that sustained swimming speed of B. hasselti ranged from 1,94 to 2,21 Bl/sec, with a maximum sustained speed recorded at 2,21 Bl/sec. In addition, prolonged swimming speed varied from 1.94 Bl/sec to 6,98 Bl/sec, while burst swimming speed reached 6,20 Bl/sec. An in-depth analysis of the relationship between swimming speed and swimming endurance in B. hasselti indicated a negative correlation, supported by a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0,5336. This observation substantiates that the swimming endurance diminishes as swimming speeds increase. Consequently, a higher swimming speed is inversely related to the swimming endurance of B. hasselti.


Kepar fish Swimming Speed Swimming Endurance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/terubuk.52.1.2176-2185


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