The Effect of Seaweed (Eucheuma spinosum) Fortification on The Quality of Pekdos

Marwah Iwada, Sumarto Sumarto, Dewita Dewita


This study aims to determine the effect of fortification of seaweed (Eucheuma spinosum)
on the quality of pekdos and determine the amount of seaweed addition to producing the
best quality of pekdos. The research method used was experimental with the processing
of pekdos with the addition of seaweed porridge (E. spinosum) in different
concentrations. The research design was a completely randomized design (CRD)
consisting of 4 treatment levels, P0 (0%), P1 (5%), P2 (10%), and P3 (15%). Parameter
analysis of organoleptic, moisture content, ash, protein, fat, and crude fiber. The results
showed that seaweed fortification had a significant effect on the 95% confidence level
on the quality of pekdos. The addition of 10% (P2) seaweed produced the best quality
pekdos. The pekdos has a neat appearance intact, slightly hollow, attractive, and slightly
yellowish-white; the aroma is not fishy, fresh, fragrant, and specific type of pekdos
mackerel; tasted specific type of pekdos taste, savory, and very tasty; and a chewy soft,
and easy-to-bite texture; pekdos has 37.40% moisture; 3.54% ash; 14.92% protein;
4.41% fat, and 4.39% crude fiber.


E. Spinosum Moro Pekdos Seaweed

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