Characteristics Protein Concentrate from White Sardinella (Sardinella albella) Extracted using Isopropyl Alcohol

Rizky Febriansyah Siregar, Heberta Firdaus Marpaung


White sardinella (Sardinella albella) is a type of small pelagic fish that contains quite a lot of protein but is not liked by the public because the portion of meat is small and has lots of spines, it causing the selling price to be low. The making of fish protein concentrate (FPC) is a processing innovation effort that is expected to increase the added value of white sardinella in the market. This study aims to determine the effect of using isopropyl alcohol solution on the fat extraction process in white sardinella meat to produce the best quality white sardinella FPC with a completely randomized design consisting of three treatment levels using the raw materials to isopropyl alcohol solution in different ratios used (w/v), namely T1 (1:1), T2 (2:1), and T3 (3:1). The results indicated that the use of isopropyl alcohol solution had a significant effect on the chemical characteristics of white sardinella FPC. The T3 treatment gave the best results for color, with a white degree value of 75.14%, protein (64.39%), and fat (0.34%), with a characteristic fish aroma that was not so strong. Quality standard testing shows that the white sardinella FPC produced meets the requirements for the FPC type C category.


Characteristic, Fish protein concentrate, White sardinella

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